Installation and Licensing
Installation and Execution
From the Download page, you can download a compressed file containing the application plus the files necessary for its operation.
On this page, the different licensing options that exist for each version of the application are also shown, indicating which modules can be used with each type of license along with the duration of the same.
The installation simply consists of extracting the files in the desired folder.
By invoking the executable directly, the application is launched with the user interface.
Also included, as an example, is a ".bat" that can be used to be invoked from a process manager. The configurations to be executed must go in the arguments of the application call, after the "/ CFG =" modifier. The list of configurations must be enclosed in double quotes (") and separated by commas (,). For example:
.\InsertBulkBestia-x64-NET-4.5.2.exe /CFG="Vacia, Vacia"
The current version of Insert Bulk Bestia is developed in .NET 4.5.2 and for 64 bits. However, it is intended that in later versions the version of the framework will be updated.
The licensing system is not similar to the usual ones found in other applications. A file system has been chosen, since it is the most suitable for those environments that do not have access to the Internet:
- .DatLic: Contains what you want to license and where you want to license.
- .Lic: Contains the license.
Licensing is per machine, that is, a license is required for each machine on which you want to run the application. Thus, the application should be installed on a machine from which you have access to all the servers that you need to access. Otherwise, you will need to "Apply" for more than one license.
When the application is run for the first time on a certain machine, it will generate a file called "InforCustom1.DatLic". This file will contain information about the application, version of the application and information about the machine where it has been executed. If there is already a file of this type with this information, the application will indicate which is the valid ".DatLic" file.

If there is no valid ".Lic" file, the application will stop after a few moments.
The license file (".Lic") will be delivered to you through the website. To do this, you will need to register and log in.
In the option "Obtain Machine License" you must upload the ".DatLic" file, after which the website will indicate the different licensing options for that application, machine and different versions of the application.
Upload .DatLic

It is strongly recommended that you use a "Free" license first, as this will allow you to check, at no cost to you, if the application meets your needs and is useful to you.
Select License Type

After selecting the desired type of license, a form will appear in which you can make a donation. Please note that there is a cost for expanding the functionality and maintaining the website, which is fully covered by your generous donations.
The development team is currently unemployed, and your generous donations will help the development team survive. We are not a company, nor do we have a client portfolio, nor a budget for a correct positioning in search engines. Be understanding and help us.
Make Donation

Once the donation has been made, the website will redirect you to the page where you can download the ".Lic" file. It will also show you the rest of the possible licensing options for that application, machine, and different versions of the application.
Download License

This same page will be the one that appears if you upload an already registered ".DatLic" file, in which case, you can directly re-download the ".Lic"file.
Finally, if after testing the application with a "Free" license type, you decide that the application suits your needs, follow the steps already described, but selecting a "Full" license type. You will get a ".Lic" file that will allow you to access the full functionality of the application.