.NET SqlBulkCopy Applications
Optimized solutions for massive data loads
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You've probably read too many articles about SqlBulkCopy by now.
You must have found very few real solutions.
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- We are not technology preachers, we are developers solutions.
- We are not theorists who write articles, we are developers who work the theories.
- We are not a big company, we are developers trying to get things right.
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Search engines do not make things easier for us because we do not have money and we do not earn it either.
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Insert Bulk Bestia
Efficient and personalized data copying between databases.
SqlBulkCopy in parallel with optimization for table loading.
Download DocumentationNext version: Transfer of data from Oracle to SQL Server.

Excel to DataBase
Loading of large Excel sheets in databases.
Under Construction

Manage Licenses
Licensing of applications per machine.
Under Construction